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Welcome, User! Tell us about you
Hello Nicole,  I have been aware of both you and Aaron Wissner for quite a while.  I have my own website:

I have been involved in peak oil for twenty years now.  Prior to that I thought the big brains of the world were fixing our big problems and I was just a average guy.  Then I found out America did not have a plan and was stumbling into a blind future.  When I found out I might actually have, in a relative sense, a big brain myself I knew we were in serious trouble.

Currently grounded by COVID in Seattle I follow Extinction Rebellion and bide my time hoping to help expand the movement into America.

I have been enjoying your commentary at Local future and find you very perceptive.  I did not know you had this website until today.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Welcome, User! Tell us about you - by Dizzily - 10.06.2020, 03:02
RE: Welcome, User! Tell us about you - by djkasdgh3v - 06.12.2020, 17:20
RE: Welcome, User! Tell us about you - by K-Dog - 16.12.2020, 14:09
RE: Welcome, User! Tell us about you - by gp. - 14.05.2021, 19:58

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