23.10.2021, 08:43
(This post was last modified: 23.10.2021, 08:45 by SchlauFuchs.)
(23.10.2021, 06:00)MagicBoy Wrote: Hi, I live on a small apple orchard in Yakima Washington. I have expected a sudden catastrophic drop in human population ever since seeing a scientist explain the St Matthew island reindeer population collapse in a presentation at my high school in 1969. That's all for now.
Hi, welcome!
Do you have your popcorn ready? This show is about to start any time now. We have a global energy crisis, a global financial crisis and a global epidemic crisis all at once, to make sure everybody is in constant fear/fight-or-flight, turns off their logical skills and follows what their leaders want, leading to a political crisis with more authoritarian ruling and in some places people start to beg for tyrans to break down democracy, define new outgroups and start the purge. Humans. Fasten your seatbelts. The ride begins.